Parental Alienation / Parental Alienation Syndrome

Developmental Psychology and the Scientific Status of Parental Alienation

This study, published in the American Psychological Association journal, Developmental Psychology, is to date the most comprehensive review of scientific data on parental alienation. Dr. Warshak and his coauthors (Harman, Lorandos, & Florian) reviewed 213 studies published in 10 languages through December 2020. The studies provide a wide range of reliable information for judges, lawyers, legislators, therapists, and parents, including the prevalence of parental alienation, the strategies parents use to undermine their child’s relationship with the other parent, how to identify a child who rejects a good parent, and about how courts can help families suffering this problem.

The takeaway message? Parental alienation is real and supported by a legitimate and trustworthy foundation of scientific study. Critics who claim otherwise are wrong and either through ignorance or design are ignoring scientific advances in the field and spreading misinformation.

Leave No Child Behind: Parental Alienation in Family Courts

In late 2020, Ashish Joshi, the editor of Litigation—the American Bar Association’s preeminent journal in the field of trial practice—convened a panel to discuss how courts handle parental alienation issues. I was privileged to be one of the three panel members. Also on the panel were two judges. Judge Elizabeth Gleicher is a recipient of the State Bar of Michigan Champion of Justice Award and sits on the Michigan Court of Appeals. Judge Kristina Karle is a former prosecutor with experience in domestic violence and child abuse cases at the Monroe County, New York, District Attorney’s Office and presides in the Ontario County, New York, court.

A transcript of this discussion was published in the Summer 2021 issue of ABA’s Litigation. Joshi’s outstanding article is must reading for lawyers, judges, parents, and mental health professionals.

The article covers a wide range of issues including:
• the devastating effects of parental alienation on targeted parents
• tips for ensuring that a proper trial record is made for successful appellate review
• the importance of educating courts on the dynamics of child abuse and parental alienation
• common myths that can compromise judicial outcomes
• the danger of judicially enabled parental alienation
• the effectiveness of court-ordered psychotherapy
• payoffs and pitfalls when judges appoint attorneys to represent minor children
• the role of the child’s stated preferences in custody cases
• the fallacy of ignoring parental alienation concerns when an alienated child is performing well in school and social spheres.

I covered the last point in my article on “Ten Parental Alienation Fallacies That Compromise Decisions in Court and in Therapy,” but I especially welcomed Judge Karle’s contribution drawing on her experience as a child abuse and domestic violence prosecutor: “I had countless cases in which a child was regularly abused, yet excelled at school, got straight As. They could control their grades; they could not control the abuse. . . . We have to be very careful not to just reject concerns about high-performing children, thinking that if they are doing great in school, no abuse could be occurring. We’ve got to dig deeper.”

Judge Karle’s recognition of parental alienation as abuse, and the need for courts to rapidly impose consequences when court orders are flouted, is further evidence that advocates for victims of domestic violence and child abuse make a huge mistake when they reject the reality of parental alienation concerns. When a former prosecutor of family violence recognizes parental alienation as child abuse, isn’t it time for DV advocates to rethink their rigid dismissal of the concept of parental alienation and its value to family courts?

On the pitfalls of empowering alienated children with a court-appointed lawyer, Judge Gleicher observed, “We know in the criminal law context that the decisions adolescents make—even 17-and-a-half-year-olds—are not subject to the same review as those of adults. So why, in the family law context, do we suddenly forget those lessons and say to adolescent children we’re going to give you a lawyer so you can bring your craziness right into court and you can have an equal voice with everybody else. It just makes no sense.”

In my concluding remarks, I expressed the hope for “greater awareness in society of PA, with a corresponding ethos that discourages parents from, and condemns them for, engaging in alienating behavior.”

When Evaluators Get It Wrong: False Positive IDs and Parental Alienation

This article, published in the American Psychological Association journal, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, addresses concerns that some children are incorrectly identified as alienated and some parents are falsely accused of alienating behavior. The greater the prevalence of errors, the more courts will view claims of parental alienation with skepticism. To guard against such errors this article emphasizes the importance of thoroughly investigating reasonable alternative explanations of children’s and parents’ behaviors. Such an investigation includes attention to seven criteria that distinguish irrationally alienated children from children whose negative or rejecting behaviors do not constitute parental alienation.

The article also lists and discusses a dozen areas of methodologically rigorous research on psychological processes and parenting styles that characterize parental alienating behaviors and their impact on children. Dr. Warshak’s goal in writing this article was to reduce the incidence of false positive identifications of parental alienation, decrease skepticism about parental alienation claims, and reinforce the importance of attending to signs that a child is being taught to hate a parent.

Parental Alienation and Childhood Trauma

This paper, adapted from a law course book chapter, discusses the difference between a traumatic event and a stressful event. The paper concludes that courts do not induce trauma when they place children with a non-abusive parent from whom they have been alienated, nor do the receiving parents traumatize children when they obtained specialized help, such as Family Bridges, to assist children in adjusting to living with a parent whom they have rejected.

This item is included in the Parental Alienation Collection and in the Parental Alienation Collection + Welcome Back, Pluto.


Ten Parental Alienation Fallacies That Compromise Decisions in Court and in Therapy

Ten Parental Alienation Fallacies That Compromise Decisions in Court and in Therapy

This article examines ten false beliefs about the genesis of parental alienation and about appropriate remedies that result in opinions and decisions that fail to meet children’s needs. The ten mistaken assumptions are:

(a) children never unreasonably reject the parent with whom they spend the most time, Continue reading

Bringing Sense to Parental Alienation: The Disputes and the Evidence

Bringing Sense to Parental Alienation: The Disputes and the Evidence

This article, published in a prestigious law journal, is Dr. Warshak’s most thorough examination to date of different ideas about pathological alienation and its status in custody litigation. It examines a continuum of opinions about parental alienation with reference to relevant scientific literature and is an attempt to introduce rationality in an area that suffers from polemics and politics.

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Obstacles and Controversies in the Pursuit of Children’s Best Interests

Obstacles and Controversies in the Pursuit of Children’s Best Interests

This pamphlet is an expanded version of an enthusiastically received keynote address delivered by Dr. Warshak in Arizona in 2000. It proposes the types of reforms necessary for parents, professionals, and courts to better define the best interests of children.

Dr. Warshak calls for more diligence in custody evaluations and in reviews of the literature. He criticizes policies which automatically  discourage joint custody when divorcing parents are in Continue reading

Social Science and Relocation Litigation

Social Science and Relocation Litigation

This treatment of relocation issues includes everything in Social Science and Children’s Best Interests in Relocation Cases plus all the material that was deleted from that article because of the journal’s space limitations. In addition to the topics described in Social Science and Children’s Best Interests in Relocation Cases, this monograph covers an overview of legal and policy issues in relocation cases, a discussion of case law (with citations to 39 cases and 16 articles in law publications), a list of factors to consider in relocation litigation proposed by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, greater elaboration of Continue reading

Parental Alienation Syndrome in Court

Parental Alienation Syndrome in Court

Mental health professionals increasingly diagnose Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in child custody matters. Critics of this diagnostic label, however, believe that it lacks an adequate scientific foundation and that testimony regarding this diagnosis, its course, and its treatment should be inadmissible.

This monograph, originally prepared as a chapter for a manual on expert witness testimony Continue reading